Machinery Safety
Based on our industry experience of over 30 years, we are a trusted provider of safety services to leading national and international industrial companies. We provide viable solutions to the most complex safety issues in a wide range of industry domains . With our international team of passionate people, we help companies apply best manufacturing practise to optimise the availability and productivity of their plants worldwide.
Our Experience in Machinery Safety
- We reduce risk by designing and implementing customised engineering solutions
- Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Ostfildern keeps an independent inspection centre which is accredited from the DAkkS and certified from TÜV, C&G, and other institutions
- We train your staff on the fundamentals of machinery safety in their local language
- We are expert in interpreting national regulations and standards including ProdSG & BetrSichV, PUWER, AS4024, Brazil Norm NR12
- We take responsibility by conducting conformity assessments and signing as authorised representative
- Our technical documents are legally compliant and understandable
Safety Concept

Safety Design

System Implementation

Safety Validation

International Compliance

Plant Assessment

Lock Out Tag Out System

Inspection of Safeguarding Devices